PhD candidate
Gehrmann Building, Level 8
School of Biological Sciences – UQ
St Lucia QLD 4072
Home T: +61 7 41942226
Research interests
Palaeoecology of coral reefs, turbid reef environments, sediment impacts on reefs
Current project
Historical ecology of the coral reefs of Hervey Bay, Queensland
MSc in Biology (Marine Biology) – James Cook University
BSc in Biology – James Cook University
- Butler, I. R., B. Sommer, M. Zann, J-x Zhao and J. Pandolfi (2015) The cumulative impacts of repeated heavy rainfall, flooding and altered water quality on the high-latitude coral reefs of Hervey Bay, Queensland, Australia. Marine Pollution Bulletin 96:356-367.
- Martin, Tyson S. H. , Andrew D. Olds, Kylie A. Pitt, Alana B. Johnston, Ian R. Butler, Paul S. Maxwell and Rod M. Connolly (2015) Connectivity, reserve performance and scaling across different seascapes. Marine Ecology Progress Series 527:157-165.
- Coppo, C., J. Brodie, I. R. Butler, J. Mellors and S. Sobtzick (2014) Status of the Coastal and Marine Assets in the Burnett Mary Region, Centre for Tropical Water and Aquatic Ecosystem Research, James Cook University: 88.
- Butler, I. R., B. Sommer, M. Zann, J-x Zhao and J. Pandolfi (2013) The impacts of flooding on the high-latitude, terrigenoclastic influenced coral reefs of Hervey Bay, Queensland, Australia. Coral Reefs: 32(4): 1149-1163.
- Butler, I. R. (2013) The 2013 Mary River flood plumes: water quality in the Great Sandy Strait Ramsar site and adjacent coral reef areas. Report to the Burnett-Mary Regional Group.
- Loder, J., Butler, I., Delaforce, A., Salmond, J., Trim, K., and Zann, M. (2012) Reef Check Australia Fraser Coast Project: Establishing a baseline for long-term reef health monitoring using the Reef Check global protocol. Reef Check Foundation Ltd.
- Wakefield, W. and Butler, I. R. (2000) Investigating Essential Fish Habitat for West Coast Groundfish Abstracts: Mace P.M. (Ed) Proceedings of the 6th NMFS National Stock Assessment Workshop, March 2000.
- Butler, I. R. (1998) Beche-de-Mer Fishery in New Ireland Province, Papua New Guinea: 1997 Status Report. Technical Report of the National Fisheries Authority, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea.
- Benson, L.J., Goldsworthy, P. M., Butler, I. R. and Oliver, J. (Eds.) (1994) Townsville Port Authority Capital Dredging Works 1993: Enviromental Monitoring Program. Townsville Port Authority, 238 pp.
- Butler, I.R. (1994) An Investigation Into What Constitutes Lethal Wounding in Acanthaster planci and an Assessment of the Effects of Regeneration on Gonad Production. Masters Thesis, James Cook University Library, Townsville, Queensland, Australia.
- Kettle, B. and Butler, I. R. (1994) A new approach to managing the environmental effects to dredging. Abstracts: O. Bellwood (Ed), 6th Pacific Congress on Marine Science and Technology, July 1994.
- Sweatman, H. and Butler, I. R.(1993) An Experimental Investigation of the Ability of Crown-of-Thorns Starfish to Survive Physical Damage. Proceedings of the Crown of Thorns Workshop, Townsville, Queensland, Australia.