Hannah Markham

PhD candidate

Email: h.markham@uq.edu.au      Twitter: @ReefScientist    Web: www.HannahMarkham.com

Find me on: Academia.edu  – ResearchGateGoogleScholar
Gehrmann Building, Level 8, School of Biological Sciences – University of Queensland, St Lucia QLD 4072, Australia
T: +61 7 3365 1475   F: +61 7 3365 9753

Research interests

  • Historical Reef Ecology
  • Anthropogenic influences on tropical marine ecosystems including: coral reef systems, mangrove stands and seagrass beds
  • The effects of ocean acidification on coral reef ecosystems
  • Phase-shifting and benthic dynamics within coral reefs ecosystems
  • The stability and resilience of coral reef ecosystems, with particular reference to bleaching events and the buffering effects of sedimentation
  •  The effect of anthropogenic influence on coastal watersheds


Current project

Long-term ecological dynamics along a gradient of anthropogenic activity on the inshore Great Barrier Reef

The aim of my PhD research is to reconstruct historical community composition of coral assemblages in the Wet Tropics region of the GBR in order to determine a baseline prior to European colonisation of the Queensland Coastline (pre-1860). By examining this baseline in the context of palaeo-climate and water quality, the community responses to disturbance events can be determined and detached from the effects of chronic anthropogenic pressure by comparing pre and post 1860.   Palaeoecological reconstructions across centennial timescales will consist of fossil coral assemblages taken using cores extracted from the reef matrix. These historical assemblages will then be compared to comprehensive assessments of live reef assemblages in order to provide a modern context for comparison with palaeoecological baselines for the region.

The overall goal of this project is identify how chronic anthropogenic stressors, predominantly water quality, have affected the community structure of the inshore reefs in the wet tropics since European colonisation of the Queensland coastline.

for further information on this research click here



Masters (MSc) in Tropical Coastal Management from Newcastle University, UK (Distinction)
Masters (MSc) in Aquatic Biology & Resource Management from Exeter University, UK (Distinction)
Bachelors Degree (BSc) in Marine Biology from Swansea University, UK (Upper Second Class)

 For a copy of my CV please click here


Professional Memberships

Marine Conservation Society
British Sub Aqua Club
British Ecological Society
Divers Alert Network
Statistical Society of Australia
Society for International Development
Marine Biological Association of the UK
International Coral Reef Society
Australian Association Marine Science



For a summary of my professional outputs including conference submissions and technical reports please refer to my cv

  • Markham, H.L and Browne, N.K. (2007). Baseline Survey Protocol (BSP). In: Pollock, N.W. and Godfrey, J.M. (eds.) Diving for Science 2007 Proceedings of the 26th American  Association of Underwater Science Symposium (AAUS), Dauphin Island, AL. 2007; 13-22.
  • Markham, H.L and Browne, N.K. (2007). Reef Status Protocol (RSP) – A prognostic reef survey methodology, rapid yet comprehensive. In: Pollock, N.W. and Godfrey, J.M. (eds.) Diving for Science 2007 Proceedings of the 26th American Association of Underwater Science Symposium (AAUS), Dauphin Island, AL. 2007; 189-95.
