26-30 June 2016
Marine Palaeolecology Lab PhD student, Chelsea Korpanty, recently attended the Australian Earth Sciences Convention (AESC) in Adelaide to present preliminary research entitled: An ecological assessment of a Late Miocene coral assemblage near Rowley Shoals, Roebuck Basin, Western Australia. This research stems from an International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) expedition that Chelsea participated in 2015 aboard the JOIDES Resolution along the Northwest Shelf of Australia (Expedition 356: Indonesian Throughflow). Her presentation at AESC was given in a topical session specific to the results of recent and upcoming IODP expeditions in the Australian-New Zealand region. Of the seventeen oral presentations in this session, most were given by Australian- and New Zealand-based IODP researchers, two by PhD students, and several by international IODP researchers from Europe and the United States. The session overall was very engaging and informative, generating many questions and facilitating discussions between presenters and the audience. About 550 delegates attended the AESC, which is the biennial convention of the Geological Society of Australia.
Click on the following links for more information on Expedition 356: Indonesian Throughflow or the Geological Society of Australia